Popular Bollywood actor John Abraham has been sentenced to a 15 day jail-term in a rash driving case. The Mumbai court upheld the sentence against the actor in a 2006 case where the actor's motorbike skidded and rammed into 2 youngsters.
The actor known for his penchant for bikes and racing had to face this setback in the incident when he accidentally injured to pedestrians in 2006. The incident happened near the Khar Danda area of Mumbai.
Way back in Oct 2010, the Bandra Metropolitan Magistrate Court had sentenced the actor to 15 days imprisonment on charges of rash and negligent driving. The court had ordered a simple imprisonment considering that John was not driving under the influence and that he made the effort to take the two injured youngsters to hospital. He, himself had suffered injuries. The actor chose to file a plea against the Magistrate court's order.
The verdict for the jail term was given out by the Mumbai Sessions Court that chose to uphold the judgment of the Metropolitan Magistrate Court.He will have to remain in police custody till he is granted bail. John Abraham will appeal to the higher court for bail and that is expected to be decided at 2:45pm today (Friday).