Bollywood actress Isha Sharvani, who was offered to play one of the female leads in Kamal Hassan's much-hyped Vishwaroobham, has turned down the offer. However, she will be making her debut in Tamil films in the forthcoming movie, Maatraan starring Surya.

Speaking to a leading daily, the actress has claimed that she has refused to be part of Vishwaroobham due to date issues. Isha Sharvani says that she is disappointed to miss out the opportunity to work with Kamal Hassan. However, she wishes to act with him in future.

Nonetheless, the actress is happy that she is making her debut in Kollywood in KV Anand directorial action-thriller Maatraan. It is also noted that Isha Sharvani is working with Vikram in his Bollywood venture David.

Vishwaroobham directed by Kamal Hassan himself also features Pooja Kumar, Rahul Bose, Andrea Jeremiah, Samrat Chakrabarti, Jaideep Ahlawat, Zarina Waheb and others. The upcoming movie has Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy's music.